
Dear Lebanese Homophobes

19 May

A Separate State of Mind | A Blog by Elie Fares

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Over the past week or so, I’ve had the honor to write about two major advances for the LGBTQI+ community in Lebanon. The first was them being represented in an ad for a major company, which you could check out here, and the second was to proclaim how Beirut is the first Arab city ever to celebrate Pride Week, despite Islamists threatening one of its events eventually leading to that one event’s cancellation (link).

Nevertheless, they persisted.

On those posts, be it in the comment section or on my Facebook page, the amount of vitriol homophobic – or more globally LGBTQI+ vomit although homosexuality takes the cake in aversion – was just too ignorant and insurmountable to be addressed in Facebook comments that could, sooner or later, degenerate into shouting rows…

View original post 1,442 more words

Beirut Film Festival Defies the Odds and Censors

21 Oct

Forget Dubai and Doha, it’s only Beirut that can showcase truly boundary-pushing, issue-driven films!

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21 Jul

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